Refi DIM Callbacks

The documentation for the Refi DIM callbacks

The following callbacks are utilized in each of the Refi DIMs: Student Loan Refi, Auto Loan Refi and Personal Loan Refi.


The Student Loan Refi DIM emits the following events:

  • APPLICATION_CREATE - this method is triggered when a user's refinance application is created.
  • APPLICATION_UPDATE - this method is triggered when a user's refinance application is updated.
  • APPLICATION_APPLY - this method is triggered when a user applies for refinance.
  • APPLICATION_RESULTS - this method is triggered when the results of a user's refinance application are available.
onEvent(metadata) {
  // your code

    'eventName': '{eventName}',
    'message': '{message}',
    'metadata': {
        'userId': '{userId}',
        'extUserId': '{extUserId}',
        'loanAmount': '{loanAmount}',
        'status': 'NEW' | 'DRAFT' | 'APPLIED',
        'error': '{error}'

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