This guide will describe how to integrate with and consume Spinwheel webhooks.
Webhooks allow our partners to subscribe to various events that occur within the Spinwheel system. Once subscribed, if an event occurs, we will send a POST request to an endpoint you have configured with information about the event and, optionally, any headers that you have configured.
Whitelisting IPs
For each environment where these webhooks are consumed, certain IPs are to be whitelisted. Note the IPs listed per environment in the table below.
Environment | IPs |
Sandbox | |
Production | |
Subscribing to Webhooks
Subscribe by API
You can head on over to our Webhook APIs to Create, Edit, Retrieve and Delete
Head on over to the APIs above and get started!
Subscribe by Developer Portal
To subscribe to a webhook, make sure you have signed up for an account on https://developer.spinwheel.io then head over to https://developer.spinwheel.io/admin. You should be greeted with a table similar to the following:
Go ahead and click "Add Webhook" then fill out the details required including the event name, the URL you want it to POST to and any headers that you would like.
That's it - once you press "Save" we will start sending webhooks to your configured endpoint.
Production Webhooks
Note - to enable production webhooks, please contact the Spinwheel representative you have been working with
Available Webhooks
The current webhooks that can be subscribed to are as follows:
Webhook Type | Summary |
User Liabilities Connected | This webhook emits updates regarding the first connection status of user liabilities. |
User Liabilities Connection Failed | This webhook emits based on the first connection failure status of a user's liabilities. |
User Payment Status | This webhook emits updates regarding payment status changes for user transactions. |
Refresh Transaction Status | This webhook is triggered when a refresh liability status changes to either COMPLETED or FAILED. Please note this is specifically for the refresh liability functionality, not refresh user. |
User Connection Status | This webhook emits updates regarding a user's student loan connection status on Spinwheel's platform. Note: This will only be fired in response to student loan connection changes. |
Platform Payment Status | This webhook is triggered when the payment request created by a payment to platform changes its state. |
Empty Loan Account | This webhook emits notifications regarding student loan accounts that might have been migrated to a different loan servicer. |
User Account Disconnect | This webhook is triggered when any account is disconnected for a user. |
User Refinance Status | This webhook is triggered when a refinance application status change is received for a user. (Note, it currently only supports a change to CONVERTED) |
User Liability Account Transition | This webhook is triggered when a user's student loan account has been transitioned from an in-repayment status to either migrated to a different servicer or paid off. |
User Liability Account Refresh | This webhook is triggered when a user's student loan account has successfully been refreshed and is represented by studentLoanAccounts.dataSyncStatus.statusCode: 2000 |
Here are the expected payloads for each type of webhook:
"userId": "e1b0d89d-6d86-4ff6-a2ab-46b99e2c1b1e",
"status": "SCHEDULED",
"statusComment": "Scheduled payment towards loan account",
"requestId": "a564cbf8-8669-481d-ad4b-82843462b31c",
"transactionRequestId": "c8301530-b77e-46c5-9c03-8d3233ff6b8d",
"transactionId": "f9bcb792-7af5-4eee-a561-3b6bed634556",
"liabilityType": "STUDENT_LOAN",
"webhookId": "66e0e852-83cf-47c3-a7dc-1a000bc83505",
"paymentTraceNumber":"123456789",//for APPLIED/FAILED/RETURNED
"errorDescription":"Invalid account number provided for the account to be paid."// for FAILED/RETURNED
1. Launch loan-servicers-login DIM via your sandbox partner
2. Connect with the "Single Step MFA" Servicer available at the bottom of the list
3. Use credentials "testUser" and "testPass" to properly authenticate
4. Add a test bank account in the precision-pay DIM (or reference whatever payer you would like for the paymentRequest with the newly created userId)
5. Make the paymentRequest (and capture the requestId for hitting the process endpoint)
6. Ping the sandbox/payments/process endpoint with the appropriate extRequestId (requestId) or requestId (transactionRequestId)
7. The transaction will process immediately, and move from SCHEDULING -> PROCESSING -> SCHEDULED
8. The webhook will be triggered
"userId": "3a35a0ba-9656-4b33-ac4f-2fa6dacae8a6",
"webhookId": "1669434136600-0"
"userId": "3a35a0ba-9656-4b33-ac4f-2fa6dacae8a6",
"webhookId": "1669434136600-0"
"userId": "b790770b-33c7-49d4-b086-e6e18864ba34",
"extRequestId": "28ddf73b-bd93-4c06-afa5-fd4e3994d23f",
"refreshTransactionId": "b790770b-33c7-49d4-b086-e6e18864ba34",
"creditCardId": "007035e0-7865-49f3-be50-c922b1c63dc6",
"refreshTransactionStatus": "COMPLETED", // or "FAILED"
"webhookId": "1710361341615-0",
"data": {
"balanceDetails": {
"outstandingBalance": 7000,
"updatedOn": 1597753517524
"statementSummary": {
"refreshedFields": {
"lastPaymentDate": {
"value": "2021-08-21",
"format": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"updatedOn": 1643917894780
"dueDay": {
"value": "08",
"format": "DD",
"updatedOn": 1643917894780
"lastPaymentAmount": {
"value": 400,
"updatedOn": 1643917894780
"userId": "4a8235be-3d6c-42cf-9add-5c8c648d411d",
"isValid": false,
"statusCode": 2000,
"description": "Auth successful",
"liabilityType": "STUDENT_LOAN",
"webhookId": "66e0e852-83cf-47c3-a7dc-1a000bc83505"
"employerPayerId": "e1b0d89d-6d86-4ff6-a2ab-46b99e2c1b1e",//for employment benefits only
"payerId": "c5377424-8122-4dc7-826c-5092197cb78a",//for non-employment benefits
"requestId": "db21f285-42b5-4382-b177-42d027acb6e3",
"transactionRequestId": "db21f285-42b5-4382-b177-42d027acb6e3",
"status": "SCHEDULED",
"statusComment": "Scheduled payment towards platform",
"webhookId": "4a8235be-3d6c-42cf-9add-5c8c648d411d",
"tag": "Webhook"
"userId": "e1b0d89d-6d86-4ff6-a2ab-46b99e2c1b1e",
"accountId": "11b0d89d-6d86-4ff6-a2ab-46b99e2c1b1e",
"servicerId": "91b0d89d-6d86-4ff6-a2ab-46b99e2c1b1e",
"description": "Webhook",
"webhookId": "655eb5c5-76d0-4baf-a455-16f2ccfae8e5"
"userId": "11b0d89d-6d86-4ff6-a2ab-46b99e2c1b1e",
"webhookId": "7ab813cf-12bf-4bd5-b65f-66ffb7be6917",
"disconnectedAccounts": [
"accountId": "11b0d89d-6d86-4ff6-a2ab-46b99e2c1b1e",
"servicerId": "097ac8fa-6b11-49c6-8889-6dec25f83f55",
"servicerName": "FedLoan Servicing",
"liabilityType": "STUDENT_LOAN"
"userId": "e1b0d89d-6d86-4ff6-a2ab-46b99e2c1b1e",
"externalUserId": "e1b0d89d-6d86-4ff6-a2ab-46b99e2c1b1e",
"applicationId": "e1b0d89d-6d86-4ff6-a2ab-46b99e2c1b1e",
"status": "PROCESSING",
"webhookId": "66e0e852-83cf-47c3-a7dc-1a000bc83505",
"occurredOn": 1645245893901,
"details": {}
"userId": "039f9d90-289b-4481-bd28-8fca52ffd2d4",
"transitionType": "PAID_OFF",
"servicerId": "2e8f52ce-d950-4410-aab1-d02698ccf46b",
"accountId": "270974de-ba17-43c9-993c-66ce525e57c1",
"previousOutstandingBalance": 0,
"lastPaymentAmount": 53621.71,
"liabilityType": "STUDENT_LOAN",
"webhookId": "1669434136600-0"
"userId": "039f9d90-289b-4481-bd28-8fca52ffd2d4",
"servicerId": "2e8f52ce-d950-4410-aab1-d02698ccf46b",
"accountId": "270974de-ba17-43c9-993c-66ce525e57c1",
"liabilityType": "STUDENT_LOAN",
"webhookId": "1669434136600-0"
To learn more about our debt APIs and 1-click solutions, visit spinwheel.io.
Updated 19 days ago