Connect DIM - KBA

Follow this guide to set up a fallback when identity connect fails for a user

Before getting started

In the vast majority of cases this flow won't be needed but we provide it as a fall back to ensure complete coverage of all users. This flow is simple to follow but requires some more involvement from your user to get up and running.

If you've just stumbled upon this guide then please note that the recommended approach is to use our embedded debt DIM instead. The docs for which can be found here.

Haven't worked with our DIMs before? We suggest reading our complete Drop-in Module guide here before getting started. If text isn't your thing, we also have a video walkthrough that will get you up and running on the DIM Implementation page.


Utilizing the Debt Connect module requires a few steps. These are as follows:

  1. Render the debt-connect module on your user facing app using the module name: debt-connect (unsure how to do this? Start here.)
  2. Have your user fill out their basic details on the first step of the DIM flow
  3. The DIM will then prompt the user to answer a series of security questions
  4. Listen to the USER_LIABILITIES_CONNECTED webhook to know when the user's credit report has been successfully connected
  5. On completion, the user will be verified and their debt will be accessible via the user profile endpoint

Sandbox User Data

For testing debt connect in sandbox, we have a test identity that you can use.

User AttributeInformation
First NameTHOMAS
Last NameDEVOS
Date of Birth1957-09-06
Street Address Line 11206 BEAR CREEK RD APT 110

Upon success with the user data entry, the user will be presented with a number of security questions. Please select one of the following answers if it is available. If nothing in the following list is present, please select "None of the above" as the answer for the questions to authenticate.

Security Question Answers:

  • Financial Plus Credit Union
  • GEMB/JC Penny
  • Veridian Credit Union

DIM API and Callbacks

For a complete overview of the DIM API and callbacks, visit this page.



After creating a user with an extUserId, you should not attempt to connect another user with that same extUserId. This is because it represents a real user and there is a one-to-one relationship between extUserIds and users in the Spinwheel system. Once connected, that user can be referenced by their userId throughout API calls or when invoking other DIMs.

To learn more about our debt APIs and 1-click solutions, visit